Turnover Intention: A Product of Job Burnout in Public Elementary Schools
Teachers’ Job Burnout, Teachers’ Turnover Intention, Job Demands-Resources Model, Public Elementary Schools.Abstract
This study was designed to study job demands-resources model for the purpose of finding the relationship between teachers’ job burnout and turnover intention. Cross-sectional survey was used. From public elementary schools of district Lahore and Kasur 375 teachers were selected as sample through Taro Yamane’s formula. Instruments used for this study were based on the construct of job burnout and turnover intention. Reliability, as well as the validity of the instrument, was also ensured through pilot testing and expert opinion, respectively. Data collected through the survey were statistically analyzed through SPSS version 21 to calculate frequency and percentages for demographic information whereas Pearson r was used for relationship analysis. It was found that turnover intention in teachers was found correlated with their job burnout.